4 hires and 4 no-shows!

We found ourselves recruiting for 4 positions last week due to maternity leave, promotions and increase in business so rather than interview on different days we decided to interview during a full day.

We started at 8.15am and finished at 4 with a couple of no-shows in between!

We were hiring for our Languages, Logistics and Reception team and by the following morning, we had a unanimous decision on our 4 hires! All 4 accepted immediately and are joining us over the next couple of weeks.

We work really hard here to ensure we have a super fun place to work and great benefits for our team โ€“ beer Fridays, brunch on the boss, charity events, social nights out etc. We even offer unlimited holidays like Netflix and Virgin.

Weโ€™re always looking for super people to join our super teams – so whilst we may not have a specific position available right now, if you think youโ€™d fit our culture, feel free to send your cv over to pippa.saunders@laird-assessors.com

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