Emergency Services Assistance

laird assessors leading independent automotive experts witness services accident damage reports post repair inspections pre purchase inspection desktop reports reconstruction diminution of value vehicle valuations injury photography criminal specialist vehicles first notification of loss FNOL classic car total loss solutions repair network management audatex estimate request bespoke transport for london translation interpretation swiftcase

We’re offering our engineering services for free during this testing time.

We provide damage vehicle triage, desk-top reporting, repair management & a range of bespoke products to ensure damaged vehicles are managed rapidly to ensure the shortest key-to-key, return to use time.

Police, Ambulance & Fire Experience

We have two decades experience dealing with emergency services vehicles & their specialist bodyshops & repairers, including associated equipment, lights & decals.

Our engineering team is working remotely & fully ready for rapid response solutions. ย UK wide service & 24/7 self service app available.

We can turn around most triage & desk-top / virtual engineering / reports within an hour, quicker if urgent.

We’re offering this for free if it will help any of the UK’s emergency services during this testing time.

Contact usย hereย or call 0151 342 9961

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